- Research of the migration route of livestock camels in Kelanaiab in Republic of the Sudan
Rakuno Gakuen University Graduate School ofDairy Science , Kento Tani
For a research of the migration route of livestock camels, we visited Kelanaiab in Republic of the Sudan from December 13th to 31th in 2011. We put in GPS logger for two camels in order to see the points that be graze mangrovse and plants by livestock camels. There is a species that the distribution was decreased by salt pan, therefore I suggest that the pressure of grazing for mangrove forest increased.
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(photo1) Livestock camel with GPS logger.
(photo2)Livestock camel that is grazing mangrove .
(photo3)Grazed halophyte by camel.
(photo4)Stock farmer in Kelanaiab.